Hi Readers:)
If you’re facing .lnk file extension error, then you ‘re in the right place.
LNK file errors are annoying when we are trying to do something in urgent.
You can remove LNK file association error by following the instructions in this guide.
What is an LNK file?

An LNK file is a Windows shortcut file. This Windows shortcut will point to an EXE file somewhere on your computer so that you can quickly start that program from places such as the Windows desktop. This comes in real handy unless the LNK file stops working properly for some reason.
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Causes of LNK File Error
There are a few things that can cause an LNK file to stop working. Generally, it is the result of an anti-malware program that has changed your computer’s EXE association. The association for the LNK file can also become corrupt within the Windows registry.
What Causes Registry Errors [Detailed Guide]
How To Fix LNK File Error [Without Accessing the Registry]
Before you start messing around with the Windows registry, there are a few things to try. Start by opening an Explorer window and then clicking on Tools, Folder Options, and then the File Types tab. Check the list that appears on your computer screen and make sure that EXE is not listed. If it is, you will need to edit it by changing the association to application. If it is not there, you will want to create a new entry in the EXE list and pick an application for the association. Then there should be a Restore button that you can select. Click on this, and your problems should be fixed. If the Restore button does not appear on your screen, it means that there is no problem with your system.
If this method did not solve your problems, you would have to dig around a bit in the Windows registry.
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Fix LNK File Error using Windows Registry
As a precaution, Be sure to backup your registry before you start. Once you have a good backup of your registry, there are two ways that you can change your registry to attempt a fix for this problem. The suggested and more comfortable way is to download a REG file for the fix. Be sure that you get the proper REG file for the operating system you are using as an error can render your computer useless.
After getting the proper REG file, start the registry editor. You can do this easily by double-clicking on your downloaded REG file and select yes to merge it into your Windows registry. This will solve the EXE associations but sometimes may not correct the LNK associations in the registry. If this is the case, there is one more step that you will need to complete to solve the problem.
Now open the folder options again by opening an explorer window and then selecting Tools, Folder Options, and the File Types tab. Scroll to LNK should be in the list that is displayed on your monitor and see if it is there. It should not be there, and you will need to add it. When adding LNK to the list, be sure to select Shortcut in the Association box. Now restart your computer, and everything should be back to normal.