local group policy editor windows 10 missing

Local Group Policy Editor Missing in Windows 10 [How To Fix]

Local group policy editor windows 10 missing?

windows cannot find gpedit.msc

Unlike other versions of windows, users of Windows 10 (Home Edition) often face challenges (like windows cannot find gpedit.msc, gpedit.msc not found) while doing any sort of local changes to their system due to lack of the Group Policy Editor.

At times they have to similar changes by windows registry editor which is very risky and not at all recommended for any normal non-technical user as a small mistake can break the whole system.

No worries!

We are here to help you to have your Group Policy Editor in your Windows 10 (Home Edition), so that like all other versions of windows 10 you can conveniently do the changes that you want to do in your local setting. Please read through the article to get it through.

What is Windows Group Policy Editor?

Local Group Policy Editor Windows 10

Windows settings are often changed using the Local Group Policy Editor Console (gpedit.msc).

But this feature is missing in your Windows 10 home editions, whereas the same is present in other versions of Windows 10 namely Windows 10 Pro and Enterprise edition.

This is as per Microsoft that the Windows Home users are not required to do any changes through Group Policy Editor.

GPEDIT.MSC Missing in Windows 10 Home but not in Windows 10 Pro?

local group policy editor windows 10 missing

One of the prominent differences between these two versions lies mainly in managing networking features. They have some more differences viz. missing of gpedit.msc (Group Policy Editor) and that Remote Desktop facility in Windows 10, unlike the Pro.

The same holds good for a few other versions of windows namely Windows XP, Windows 7, and Windows 8.1 as well

A simple way is to look for the gpedit.msc file in your windows 10 system, and if not found, then it could be due to the same reason as explained above that your current system might be windows 10 home edition.

If your system has Windows 10 Home edition you’ll receive these errors

Windows cannot find gpedit.msc or gpedit.msc not found 

Are you concerned with the missing Windows Group Policy Editor?

Do not worry, we can guide you.

We will take you through the steps to download group policy editor windows 10 home and thereafter will help you to install the Group Policy Editor in your Windows 10 Home with the help of GPEdit Installer.

Option# 1 – Download and install Windows Group Policy Editor for Windows 10 Home

  • First, you need to download group policy editor windows 10 home from the link provided
    Download gpedit.msc Installer (855 KiB)
  • Get this setup file that will install the GPE to your system.

Note: If it asks to install .NET Framework 3.5, Click on Download and Install this Feature

download group policy editor windows 10

Correct installation is very important!

For 32-Bit Window (x86), you need not worry, the installer will itself install it without any hassle, and you will be good to use the Group Policy Editor.  

All that you need to do is to simply run the Group Policy Editor with the help of the Microsoft Management Console through Run –> gpedit.msc as shown in the figure below.

However, for a 64-Bit Windows (x64), you need to follow a few more steps before it will be through.

The Steps to follow are listed below:

  1. Open C:\Windows\SysWOW64 folder
  2. Then copy “GroupPolicy“ and “GroupPolicyUsers” and gpedit.msc from C:\Windows\SysWOW64 to C:\Windows\System32
    Enable gpedit.msc - Windows 10

Then make sure that you can invoke the editor through Run –> gpedit.msc

Any issue – [Gpedit.msc] Not Working?

Further following the above steps if you still come across any errors,  something like “MMC could not create the snap-in,” in that case, you may have to follow a few additional steps to get it working. Please find the steps mentioned below.

  1. Check if your C:\Windows\Temp\gpedit\ folder exists or not.
  2. Get the below-mentioned zip file and extract it to C:\Windows\Temp\gpedit\. It will replace the files: x86.bat and x64.bat.

  gpedit-temp-files-x86x64 (1.5 KiB)

  1. Next run batch file as Administrator – For 32-bit System, make sure to run x86.bat and x64.bat for 64-bit Windows 10.

The error will thus be fixed once you are through with the above-mentioned steps, and you will be able to access the Group Policy Editor in your Windows 10 Home edition.

Option# 2 –Install GPEDIT.MSC with the help of PowerShell script.

This is a much simpler way that you can follow, which will fetch you the same result. Find the steps mentioned below-

  1. You need to get the PowerShell script from the link mentioned below:

gpedit-enabler.bat (Home Edition)

  1. Once you have the PowerShell script file, you need to run the downloaded file: gpedit-enabler.bat as Administrator. For this just select the batch file and right-click and then select Run as Administrator
Enable gpedit.msc script
  1. It will take a while to complete the installation, and once done, close your command prompt window.
  1. Then go to Run –> gpedit.msc. It will then invoke the group policy editor for you in your Windows 10 Home Edition.


It is always highly recommended and encouraged to restart your windows in case it doesn’t work or having any issue, as restarting your system will force the changes to come into effect.

In case both Option#1 and Option#2 do not work for you then go for Option#3 mentioned below

Option#3 –Fix Local Group Policy Editor Missing on Windows 10 Home thru Policy Plus

Policy plus is a tool readily available to you by which you will be able to make changes in Group Policy Setting and other setting changes at ease.

Find the steps mentioned below:

  1. You need to download Policy Plus from the link mentioned below:

Policy Plus (10.3 KiB)

  1. After unzipping the file which has just been downloaded, run the Policy-Plus executable file (Policy-Plus.exe), which will invoke and will provide you a provision to do the changes similarly the same way like a Windows Group Policy editor.


So, hopefully, this article will help you to solve your problem. Now you can use Gpedit.msc feature in Windows 10 Home Single language and student edition.

Let us know if this article is good and able to guide you all through the way.

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